They Saw It Coming:


The Green Goblin (Spider-Man 2002 Film) Today is another post in the “They Saw It Coming” series, and this time, it’s about Norman Osborne. The Green Goblin. Specifically, his 2002 movie incarnation as played by Willem Dafoe. I already did a post on the old Sam Raimi Spider-Man movie a while back, but now I’ll … Continue reading They Saw It Coming:

Crazy Moments in Comics: 


Captain America wields Thor's Hammer So some of you might remember this: Good times. Good times. Thor wasn’t the only one waiting for that shoe to drop. But, seeing as the MCU is an adaptation of another work—namely a comic book, I’m sure some of you wonder if this was something that happened in … Continue reading Crazy Moments in Comics: 

How did I miss that?

Hidden Moments in Fictional Media Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Runs faster than Black Widow Can! Captain America: Civil War We all know the scene. Captain America Civil War. The fully assembled Pro Sokovia Accords team (consisting of Iron Man, War Machine, Black Widow, Black Panther, Vision, and Spider-Man) face off against Captain America’s ragtag team of himself, … Continue reading How did I miss that?

How did I miss that?

Hidden Moments in Fictional Media I’ve been watching TV, viewing films, and playing games for years, but like many of you, there’s a lot of stuff I miss. Sometimes it’s just minor details that add flavour, and sometimes it’s subtle bits of characterization that completely change how you view the work. Now, it’s probably tough … Continue reading How did I miss that?